Recognizing Good Citizens
The Marine Corps League considers it an Honor and Privilege to recognize America's future leaders for earning the Scouting America Eagle Scout Award by presenting them the Marine Corps League's "Good Citizenship Award" Certificate. To have the Scout made aware of the skills that he has mastered to become an Eagle Scout are also held in very high regards by the Marine Corps League and corporations throughout the United States.
The Marine Corps League supports Scouting America as they promote traditional family values to America’s youth. Our Eagle Scout Award Program is in place to recognize the achievement of our youth in attaining Scouting's highest award. Every scout who reaches the rank of Eagle Scout is presented a citizenship award. The ceremony is usually held in conjunction with his local troop's Court of Honor ceremony.
Upon request, a Marine from the Rio Grande Valley Detachment will attend your next Eagle Scout Court of Honor and present a Good Citizenship Award Certificate from the Marine Corps League to your new Eagle Scout.
To initiate recognition by the Detachment, please submit a request by downloading or completing our official request form below.
Submit An Application